Doug Barton wrote:
>         This needs to be backed out immediately. This isn't even close to what was
> discussed in -hackers. After LONG, often pointless discussion, the
> following points were agreed to there.

Could you please look at the changes first ? The changes I
committed are _not_ those from NetBSD. My changes do not try
to cover all the cases of skipped minutes but are specifically
for the change of DST and actually take many precautions to avoid
messing with the other cases.

On the points:
> Gerhard Sittig wrote:
> > I take notice of your (and Greg Black's) reservation / being
> > opposed, respect it and conclude that the change will have to
> > - default to the current behaviour (something quite usual for
> >   expanding changes)

The behavior is quite close to the current one, differing for
only the jobs running less frequently than every hour when of course they hit the DST 
change frame, and different in a rather safe way.

It DOES NOT modify in any way the behavior of cron on an abrupt time
change by date(1) or anything similar.

> > - be well documented (something absolutely clear to all of us,
> >   strictly speaking it's way out of imagination for us how
> >   somebody could contribute undocumented stuff ... :)

They are. See cron(8) for description and the PR text for 
examples and test cases.

> > - yet be enabled easily for those interested in the change to
> >   work for them and free up some of their resources for more
> >   important tasks
> > - maybe provide knobs (besides the on-off-switch) to customize
> >   behaviour in a more fine grained way

All the discussion in the thread was about that sysadmins must
not schedule jobs at 2:00-2:59 AM time (and actually 1:00-1:59
as well to avoid duplication though somehow nobody mentioned it). 
If no jobs are scheduled at this interval, then the behavior
of the cron with my changes is absolutely identical to the
old one.
> I made the additional point that the options should be command line
> options, instead of environment variables as someone else suggested.

And I made the additional point that practically all the commercial
Unixes do support intelligent handling of DST. Being different
from them makes no good and is a lot of inconvenience.

I also have a feeling that these agreed points were agreed only by
the proponents of keeping the traditional behavior, practically
ignoring anyone with a different opinion.
>         Your commit accomplishes none of that. In fact, the proponents of this

I believe that it accomplishes if not perfectly all then practically
all of that plus a very decent compatibility with the traditional
behavior, without any need for command line or rc options.

> change were seriously considering creating a new cron with their suggested

_One_ proponent had proposed that. I can not find any record
of anyone else supporting him.

> changes and offering it as a port. It could also easily be argued that this
> change should be discussed on -arch before going into the tree.

I have sent the exact description of what I'm about to to do the
-hackers list. The only response I got was from Matt Dillon and it 
was in support of these changes. That was after Gerhard Sittig
tried out the NetBSD changes and found that they do not handle
the DST changes as they are supposed to. I believe, this was 
exactly such a sort of discussion.
>         In any case, the current situation is entirely unacceptable, and I ask
> that you revert your change asap.

Could you please look at the changes and their description
and after that confirm that you still want them backed out ?


> Sergey Babkin wrote:
> >
> > babkin      2001/01/20 13:28:17 PST
> >
> >   Modified files:
> >     usr.sbin/cron/cron   cron.8 cron.c cron.h
> >   Log:
> >   Added sensible handling of switch to and from daylight saving time
> >   for the jobs that fall into the disappearing or duplicated time
> >   interval.
> >
> >   PR:           bin/24494
> >
> >   Revision  Changes    Path
> >   1.10      +28 -1     src/usr.sbin/cron/cron/cron.8
> >   1.10      +129 -6    src/usr.sbin/cron/cron/cron.c
> >   1.12      +4 -1      src/usr.sbin/cron/cron/cron.h
> >
> >   PR:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 

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