A jailed environment will certainly help prevent them from breaking
    root, but keep in mind that the server side scripts already need to
    have read (and probably write) access to much of the data associated
    with the web site in order to operate the web site.  You can do only
    so much.

    The real problem here is the CGI script / server-side design allowing
    the breakin in the first place. 

    The KISS principle applies.  Good programming practices (such as using
    the likes of asprintf() and snprintf() instead of sprintf() in C),
    and code auditing, pretty much removes the chance of an exploit.  For
    C based CGI's you need only do a few things to reduce the errors down
    into nothing more then null-pointer derferences which generally
    cannot be exploited.   It means not making any assumptions whatsoever
    on the size or content of input data, even if you have client-side
    javascript 'restricting' the content of the input data.

    It also means properly escaping all POST data so when someone
    types '<B>fubar</B>' into an input field the worst that happens is for
    it to show up as '<B>fubar</B>' in any HTML output rather
    then FUBAR (bolded 'fubar').  How often have you typed a single quote
    into an sql-database-backed web page input field and gotten a fault?
    A backslash?  Punctuation?  Hmm....  proper escaping is absolutely

    It also means not trusting input data... properly massaging it before
    using it for things like, oh, command line arguments to exec'd programs,
    and stupid things like that. 

    Some languages are less likely to be exploitable then others, but never
    assume that the scripting / programming language will protect you.  After
    all, again, if the backend needs to access the data to drive the site
    then exploits can potentially also access the data, no matter what kind
    of security measures are taken in the language imlementation.  If
    the backend needs to store persistent state, then exploits can also
    potentially modify that state.


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