Hi everybody,

My little problem does not seem to make anybody enthousiastic, at which 
point that I am wondering if there is any GDB user on kernel dump 
listening over there ... Maybe I am on the wrong mailing list ? Or 
should I look for further help somewhere else ? Or is it that my 
explanations were not clear enough ?

I have found that issuing an 'info frame @ebp @eip' command could 
provide the beginning of a stack dump analysis. Now, I am trying to find 
out where is stored the stack frame of the current process when an 
interrupt occurs. Is there anybody who knows this ?


Xavier Galleri wrote:

> Thank you for your answer,
> It's difficult to believe that nothing more intuitive and immediate 
> can be done to get the kernel stack of any process from a GDB session 
> on a kernel crash dump. Does it mean that this is something that 
> nobody ever need until now ?
> Also, is there a mean to ask GDB to dump the kernel stack of the 
> 'curproc' that has been interrupted at the time of kernel panic ?
> Regards,
> Xavier
> diman wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Xavier Galleri wrote:
>>> OK, let's make it a bit clearer !
>> ....
>> [skiped]
>>> Now, if you've read my first mail, I was actually asking for help onhow 
>>> to dump the stack of an interrupted process with GDB when the 
>>> kernelcrash occurs in the context of an isr. Actually, I would like to 
>>> know how I could dump the stack of *any* process at the time of the 
>>> crash. This way, I would be able to see where my user-land daemon was 
>>> lying in the kernel when the interrupt occurs.
>> To dump stack of *any* (all) process you may write a little kld 
>> wich will:
>> 1) go through a process list,
>> 2) get tf_eip, tf_esp, tf_ebp of a process
>> 3) get p->p_vmspace 
>> 4) read process stack frames and all you need by manually
>>    written routine based on procfs_rwmem and old good 'pread'
>>    (which dosn't work now)
>> Another way is to go through proc list and coredump all the
>> processes for future manual analisys.
>> I like such way. 
>> Can anybody point me to some difficults wich can appear while
>> implementing this?
>> [skiped]

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