On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Nick Hibma wrote:

> Just as a note on the side, the fact that the attach of the generic
> driver fails (while setting config 0, which is a sort of a soft
> reset) could indicate that there is something fishy going on with
> respect to fetching the report descriptor. I seems to freeze.

I'd still bet on the hardware being suspect. It's got all the prime labelling
of a quality product: "PS-PC USB Converter" "Full Colors" "Special Design,
Extra Stable & Highly Compatibility"

> And now back to your scheduled 'panic' demolition:
> It still bombs in the middle of DEVOPMETH in:
>    device_probe_t *m = (device_probe_t *) DEVOPMETH(dev, device_probe);
> which is
>    #define DEVOPMETH(DEV, OP) \
>         ((DEVOPDESC(OP)->offset >= DEVOPS(DEV)->maxoffset) \
>          ? DEVOPDESC(OP)->deflt \
>          : DEVOPS(DEV)->methods[DEVOPDESC(OP)->offset])
> while executing
>    56:   3b 02                   cmp    (%edx),%eax
> with edx == dev->ops and eax == device_probe_ops->offset (don't you hate
> i386 assembler syntax?) and edx apparently being 0.
> Which as far as I can see is impossible in the subr_bus.c code. So that
> leaves 'memory spamming' as the only option :-( Apart from that, I have
> no clue which driver tries to attach after the
> ugen driver is finished. Because that is the last driver that makes an
> attempt.
> Could you do the following: Boot the machine and when it panics type the
> following commands:
>       show registers

db> show registers
cs                 0x8
ds          0xc0a20010
es          0xc0150010  await+0xe4
fs          0xc0300010
ss                0x10
eax                0x9
ecx         0xc0d32400
edx                  0
ebx                0x6
esp         0xc030b920
ebp         0xc030b920
esi         0xc0a227b0
edi         0xc0d32400
eip         0xc011d58a  DEVICE_PROBE+0xe
efl            0x90282

>       x/x $ecx,0x20

db> x/x $ecx,0x20
0xc0d32400:     0               0               0               0
0xc0d32410:     0               0               0               c0d2ac40
0xc0d32420:     0               c0a22040        0               0
0xc0d32430:     0               0               0               0
0xc0d32440:     0               0               0               0
0xc0d32450:     0               0               0               0
0xc0d32460:     0               0               0               0
0xc0d32470:     0               0               0               0

>       x/c *($ecx+0x24),0x10

db> x/c *($ecx+0x24),0x10
0xc0a22040:     uhid0\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000

> which will print three things: the contents of all registers (show
> registers), then the 32 longs at address $ecx (x/x $ecx,20), basically
> the contents of the struct device in DEVICE_PROBE, in which the 6th
> element (at +0x14) should be zero. And then the string that is pointed
> to by the nameunit element in the struct device. This last one should
> give us a hint at which device is failing.
> Never mind if the last one gives you a page fault. nameunit might be
> zero.
> I really am at a loss what this could be :(

If I'm following you, the info above will just prove that something is too
broken to figure out. If I can find another one of these things I'll just mail
it to you. Other than that, I'll stop wasting your time :)

Thank you very much for the help.

Jon Simola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "In the near future - corporate networks
    Systems Administrator     |  reach out to the stars, electrons and light 
     ABC  Communications      |  flow throughout the universe." -- GITS

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