* Mohana Krishna Penumetcha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010111 03:08] wrote:
> > Afaik, on i386 you have ~4k of kernel stack, however you have to
> > realize that driver entry can come from an interrupt generated when
> > the stack is already nearly exhausted.  I'm not really that much
> > of a driver programmer, but I've heard of people facing this problem
> > before, solutions varied, but since each driver instance is single
> > threaded you can pre-allocate via malloc (i think) the space you
> > need and attach it to the per-driver data structure (softc afaik).
>       i am confused between the kernel stack in kernel space (where ISRs
> are called) and kernel stack each process has. the UPAGES constant
> defines the size of process kernel stack. does it define kernel stack in
> kernel space also?? (fig 3.1, page 51, BSD book)
>       BTW, memory for softc is allocated from the heap in newbus
> architecture.

I'm pretty sure interrupts are piggybacked on the user-kernel-stack.

How about trying the simple printf idea and letting us know if that

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