On 9 Jan 2001, at 10:20, Doug Barton wrote:

> > And when you finally realize that everyone else thinks this is a great
> > idea, 

I do not like being included in "everyone".  I don't think it's a great idea.

>       In fact, I'm quite sure that this is not true. I happen to be the only one
> who is currently voicing opposition. 

IMHO, the solution is not to schedule jobs during during the changeover 
period.  However, *if* the mods are adopted, it should default to off.  Add 
a switch to turn them on.  See how that runs for a few years.  Then, and 
only then, if the feedback is positive, consider changing it to the default 
behaviour.  Such a radical change to cron cannot be implemented 
without sufficient field testing.  That will take years.  It cannot be 

Dan Langille
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