On 26 Dec, Wes Peters wrote:
>> On 25 Dec, David O'Brien wrote:
>> > On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:28:07PM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> >> Incorrect..the problems with SSH come down to flaws in the human
>> >> operator who ignore the warnings SSH gives them, and tell it
>> >> explicitly to do insecure things like connect to a server which is
>> >> suddenly not the one you're used to connecting to.
>> >
>> > And we, the FreeBSD Project, don't do a thing to help this situation.
>> > We change the SSH keys on the freebsd.org machines left and right w/o
>> > *ANY* notice to committers that they have been changed. So we've trained
>> > our own committers to have sloppy habits that could lead a malicious code
>> > added to the FreeBSD CVS source repository.
>> >
>> Is this correct?????
>> Can anyone confirm this.
>> A message by Wes Peters suggests it to be so.
> No message from me suggested anything about ssh key handling by the FreeBSD
> project. Don't start quoting me out of context.
I'll go back to the original message that was posted,
if you like. Your message made a suggestion, nothing
more. What exactly it *MEANT* to say IS NOT CLEAR.
This is why I'm asking questions.
I'm not going to quote you, if I'm not clear on what you
are saying. But if you are saying something, please
assist my understanding in this matter. Please email
me what you are saying.
If you believe, I have wronged you, as you are stating,
I will appoligize, but I my original understanding
of your posting is -what I posted/questioned.
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