> Thank you for your attention.
> Next month I'm giving a talk about the evils of SSH.
> The talk schedule is posted on:
> http://www.svbug.com/events/
> I've already circulated this message to the OpenBSD
> 'tech' mailing list and the NetBSD 'security' mailing
> list. Now, I've like to hear from the FreeBSD community.
> The question asked is: why you believe ssh is beter
> than say telnet. Or what advantages SSH has in general.
The simple fact that it doesn't transmit passwords in clear text?
This is one of the stupidest trolls I've ever found, and is completely
inappropriate for freebsd-security. Try over on -chat.
"Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
Wes Peters Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://softweyr.com/
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