No one I noticed yet mentioned 
as an alternative to
        "keeping lots of systems all the same"
but as I too use rdist I can't tell more on rsync.

BTW I use rdist for maintaing 
- site wide common trees in a /site/ tree of etc usr overlay stuff reached
  from real /etc & /usr trees via relative (no rooted) sym links
- my off site web directories
- my laptop 
  PS make damn sure you always back up the right way, easily said,
  but easy to get wrong, especially with a cron driven rdist, that
  can zap your laptop or tower in the wrong direction. EG on return
  from a business trip a cron driven backup of tower to laptop is
  a disaster ;-)

Julian Stacey     Unix Consultant - Munich Germany
        Considering Linux ?     Try FreeBSD with its 4200 packages !
 Ihr Rauchen => mein allergischer Kopfschmerz !  Kau/Schnupftabak probieren !

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