[redirected to -questions; I don't consider this an in-depth technical

On Wednesday, 29 November 2000 at 21:03:10 +0100, Rink Springer wrote:
> [Posted this to questions too, but no one appeared to know.. maybe someone
> here does?]
> Hi,
> I've installed FreeBSD 4.2-RELEASE on a server here (AMD K6-2 333MHz, 64MB
> RAM), which does gatewaying, firewalling, NATd and finally, samba, samba for
> printing.
> The box works like a charm, but printing doesn't. The printer connected to
> it is an Epson Stylus Color 600, hooked to /dev/lpt0. When I print the
> Windoze test page, it works (lpq happily says the file is 200KB, and it gets
> printed).
> However, whenever I try to print some image that is about 1MB in the print
> queue, the printer prints a small part, and the rest will not be printed. In
> fact, the entire queue entry is gone!
> Does anyone know what has caused this? I noticed some stray IRQ 7's, but
> even if I enable polling mode (using lptcontrol -p), it doesn't work. I need
> to get this printer working soon. It worked fine using RedHat Linux 6.1.

I have pretty much the same setup.  Well, the CPU side is the same,
but the printer's a Stylus 740.  If you print documents of this size,
you're probably talking about images.  How do you convert the image?
If you're using filters, let's see them.  Also, you don't have a file
size limit in /etc/printcap, do you?

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