
I have the following link error adding new system 
calls to FreeBSD kernel when it uses send() 
or recv() with sockets.

> linking kernel
> rtp_unix.o: In function `_sys_send':
> rtp_unix.o(.text+0x1c8): undefined reference to `send'

Perhaps the problem is the system call's type in 
syscalls.master file (show it below), because the
rtp_unix.c has calls to socket(), connect() 
and bind() and it doesn't have the same problem. 

Is the type COMPAT for compatibility with BSD4.3 
system calls (COMPAT_43)? 

You can look below in the files generated 
from syscalls.master file: 
init_sysent.c has the "compat" conditional statement 
for send() and recv().  And syscalls.c has entries 
"old.send" and "old.recv", for the other sockets 
system calls are different. 

What should I do  to solve this link error ?

Can I change COMPAT type for STD type in 
syscalls.master without problems? 

Thanks for your help.

/* ----------------  syscalls.master  ------------  */ 
; Processed to created init_sysent.c, syscalls.c and syscall.h.

; Columns: number type nargs namespc name alt{name,tag,rtyp}/comments
; types:
;       STD     always included
;       COMPAT  included on COMPAT #ifdef

97      STD     BSD     { int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); }
98      STD     BSD     { int connect(int s, caddr_t name, int namelen); }
99      CPT_NOA BSD     { int accept(int s, caddr_t name, int *anamelen); } \
                            accept accept_args int
101     COMPAT  BSD     { int send(int s, caddr_t buf, int len, int flags); }
102     COMPAT  BSD     { int recv(int s, caddr_t buf, int len, int flags); }
104     STD     BSD     { int bind(int s, caddr_t name, int namelen); }

/* -----------------  init_sysent.c ------------------  */
#ifdef COMPAT_43
#define compat(n, name) n, (sy_call_t *)__CONCAT(o,name)
#define compat(n, name) 0, (sy_call_t *)nosys

        { 3, (sy_call_t *)socket },     /* 97 = socket */
        { 3, (sy_call_t *)connect },    /* 98 = connect */
        { compat(3,accept) },           /* 99 = old accept */
        { compat(4,send) },             /* 101 = old send */
        { compat(4,recv) },             /* 102 = old recv */
        { 3, (sy_call_t *)bind },       /* 104 = bind */

/* ---------------- syscalls.c ---------------- */
        "socket",               /* 97 = socket */
        "connect",              /* 98 = connect */
        "old.accept",           /* 99 = old accept */
        "old.send",             /* 101 = old send */
        "old.recv",             /* 102 = old recv */
        "bind",                 /* 104 = bind */

| YONNY CARDENAS B.             Apartado Aereo  22828              |
| Systems Engineer              Santafe de Bogota D.C.             |
|                               Colombia - South America           |    
| Student M.Sc.                 Tel:   +571 6095477                | 
|                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
|                               ICQ #:  46933750                   |
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