On Jul 10, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Julian Elischer <jul...@elischer.org> wrote:

> My first  candidates are:

Those sound useful.   Just out of curiosity, however, since we're on the topic 
of kernel dumps:  Has anyone even looked into the notion of an emergency 
fall-back network stack to enable remote kernel panic (or system hang) 
debugging, the way OS X lets you do?  I can't tell you the number of times I've 
NMI'd a Mac and connected to it remotely in a scenario where everything was 
totally wedged and just a couple of minutes in kgdb (or now lldb) quickly 
showed that everything was waiting on a specific lock and the problem became 
manifestly clear.

The feature also lets you scrape a panic'd machine with automation, running 
some kgdb scripts against it to glean useful information for later analysis vs 
having to have someone schlep the dump image manually to triage.  It's going to 
be damn hard to live without this now, and if someone else isn't working on it, 
that's good to know too!

- Jordan

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