make obj
make depends
make includes

Includes and depends may not be needed in all cases but its certainly 
recommended to use obj 

 Jason Hellenthal
 Voice: +1 (616) 953-0176

On Jun 18, 2013, at 10:14, Wojciech Puchar <> 

>> I installed FreeBSD into a VirtualBox VM in January and started playing with 
>> the code. I must complement you people on the clarity of your code. I've 
>> enjoyed examining it.
>> I wanted to try some code changes to some of the apps in the /bin directory, 
>> but can't figure out how to build a single app, or even build a single set 
>> of apps, like /usr/src/bin, /usr/src/sbin, /usr/src/usr.bin, or 
>> /usr/src/usr.sbin. Is there a way to do this, or do I just have to create my 
>> own Makefiles for each app I am experimenting on?
> cd /usr/src/bin/program
> make
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