On 06/03/13 14:20, Eitan Adler wrote:
> On 3 June 2013 23:13, Navdeep Parhar <npar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 05/30/13 18:43, Navdeep Parhar wrote:
>>> I build kernel-toolchain and MAKE_JUST_KERNELS (often with NO_CLEAN, but
>>> not this time) as part of my pre-commit checklist.  It doesn't seem to
>>> work after the switch to bmake.  What am I missing?  This on a system
>>> at r251171 with nothing in make.conf or src.conf:
>>> # make -j12 universe UNIVERSE_TARGET=kernel-toolchain
>>> --- universe_prologue ---
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> make universe started on Thu May 30 18:19:44 PDT 2013
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>> `universe_amd64_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>> `universe_arm_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>> `universe_i386_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>> `universe_ia64_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>> `universe_mips_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>> `universe_pc98_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>> `universe_powerpc_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type 
>>> b000001)!
>>> `universe_sparc64_prologue' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type 
>>> b000001)!
>>> `universe_epilogue' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b000001)!
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_amd64 (made 
>>> 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_arm (made 1, 
>>> flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_i386 (made 
>>> 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_ia64 (made 
>>> 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_mips (made 
>>> 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_pc98 (made 
>>> 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_powerpc 
>>> (made 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>>     `universe_epilogue' has .ORDER dependency against universe_sparc64 
>>> (made 1, flags 3009, type 3000001)
>>> # make -j12 -DMAKE_JUST_KERNELS JFLAG=-j12 universe
>>> (same result)
>> It is the -j<n> causing the problem.  I tried with an empty /usr/obj too
>> but that didn't help either.  Does anyone know of a way around this?
>> Building without -j is quite tedious.
> try the parameter JFLAG ?
> from man build:
>      JFLAG              Pass the value of this variable to each make(1) invo-
>                         cation used to build worlds and kernels.  This can be
>                         used to enable multiple jobs within a single architec-
>                         ture's build while still building each architecture
>                         serially.

But I want to build the architectures in parallel and run multiple jobs
within each architecture in parallel as well (which is why you see both
-j12 and JFLAG=-j12 in the command that I posted above).  It used to
work till fairly recently.

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