Le 27/05/2013 10:37, Václav Zeman a écrit :
> On 26 May 2013 21:01, Lee Thomas wrote:
>> On 2013-05-26 08:00, Václav Zeman wrote:
>>> On 05/25/2013 10:27 PM, Lee Thomas wrote:
>>>> +       lp = (const unsigned long *)((uintptr_t)str & ~LONGPTR_MASK);
>>>> +       va = (*lp - mask01);
>>>> +       vb = ((~*lp) & mask80);
>>> I do not think that this correct C. This is type punning violating the
>>> rules of the language.
>> Hello Václav,
>> The aliasing here is safe, because there are no writes through either of the
>> pointers, and the reads are correctly aligned.
> I disagree. IANALL but AFAIK, this is simply not allowed by the
> language => UB => even though it seems to work in this instance, you
> are just lucky the UB is actually doing what you expect.

In that case we should rewrite strlen, it's the same code. That doesn't
mean it's a good code but I really don't think it's bad. Using
signedness is totally valid and what is done here appears valid too.

> --
> VZ

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