On Wed, May 01, 2013 at 09:44:54AM -0700, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I took a shot at fixing this issue with building aicasm as part of 
> "buildkernel" of an older 9.0 src on a machine running HEAD.
> aicasm.o: In function `__getCurrentRuneLocale': > 
> /usr/include/runetype.h:96: undefined reference to `_ThreadRuneLocale'
> The issue seems to be two-fold:
> 1) Paths are not fully set to pick up the bootstrap tools needed to build.
> 2) include files use the host's instead of the build trees.
> The first problem is fixed by changing setting of PATH from 
> "${BPATH}:${PATH}" to ${TMPPATH}.
> The second is fixed by using -nostdinc and setting strict include paths 
> using -I directives to the compiler:
> CFLAGS="-nostdinc -I${WORLDTMP}/usr/include -I. 
> -I${KERNSRCDIR}/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm"

This seems basically ok.

> Can I get review on this patch?

The line wrapping bugs should have been fixed before posting, but it
otherwise looks fine.

I do wonder why we don't just install aicasm in the base and bootstrap
it in the unlikely event that it changes in an important way.  A quick
scan of svn log suggests that gibbs fixed a bug in mid-2010 and the last
non-build system or portability change was circa 2003 so I don't think
we'd break old-style kernel builds at a rate worth worrying about.

-- Brooks

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