On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Renaud Waldura wrote:

->I wrote an article about this setup. Should be published soon enough.
->I'd like to get your feedback on the section making use of tcpmssd: it
->doesn't seem to work when the link is brought up automatically by ppp.

Thanks Renaud, great article and very helpful.  I've not got a chance
to test out the PPPoE with tcpmssd yet as the machine is not local to me.
(I could ssh to it but have no access to the machines behind the nat
to generate some testing packets)

The only thing is that tcpmssd from FreeBSD port does not have -l
option.  The -l option, however, is being used in your tcpmssd.rc
script.  My port tree is quiet new so I guess there is some difference
between the tcpmssd you offered on your site and the freebsd port.

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