On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Steffen Daode <sdao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  |> Hi,
>  |> I was wondering about the possibility of FreeBSD to provide an official
>  |> supported graphical environment.
> What i really miss compared to 4.* and 5.3 (and compared to NetBSD
> and OpenBSD) is that there is a single package with a known name
> that can be downloaded and unpacked and you have a X11 environment
> to go.
> I have not searched the archives for the "when" and "why" of the
> decision to drop it.  But its absence really hurts me.

Rant and rave to the Xorg developers.  With the release of Xorg 7 they
broke it up into a bazillion separate packages, each with their own
development cycle, releases, packaging, etc.  Xorg "releases" are now
nothing more than a snapshot of the various sub-packages that's
slightly bug/beta tested together.

There's really no difference between Xorg development and Linux distro
development.  :(

There's really nothing that FreeBSD devs can do about this unless they
want to fork Xorg completely.

Freddie Cash
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