On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Arnaud Lacombe <lacom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:51 PM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>>>> [...] We lack that right now, which is why you're trying to shoe-horn the 
>>>> FDT connections into a newbus world and complaining that everything sucks 
>>>> because it is a poor fit.  I'd suggest that different mechanisms are 
>>>> necessary.
>>> I'm not trying anything, or at least no longer. I do not see the point
>>> working on that when I can not get trivial patches in, especially
>>> those fixing poorly maintained drivers, whose issues _do_ affect
>>> people.
>> Hey Arnaud, sorry to be a little harsh, but maybe if you shouted less and 
>> cooperated more, people would be more willing to work with you.
> I tried to be Mr Nice Guy in the past, all I got in return was being
> ignored. Lists are full of unanswered problem because people do not
> want to insist getting an answer. Now, believe me on one point, if you
> are a driver or subsystem author, might I have an issue with your
> work, I *will* be a recurring pain in your butt to get the issue
> fixed, or to get in what I do believe, with the limited set of
> knowledge and resources to my disposal[0], to be a correct fix for the
> issue, at the time. If you are condescending, arrogant, or advocates
> of the status-quo, as have been committers in the past, I will return
> you favor. Let face it, FreeBSD is not the most outstanding OS out
> there (despite obvious capabilities), and I would not be too proud of
> its state.
> All that to say that asking politely does not work in the arbitrary
> FreeBSD realm, where "the power to serve", is today nothing more that
> a relic.

the problem I see here is that as always you make strong and false
claims on bugs and missing support from FreeBSD kernel, but when
people points out what are you missing/misunderstanding, you turn the
whole thread into "FreeBSD is a relic" baby-whining, without replying
with real technical arguments and simply ignoring e-mail by freebsd
developers. I didn't see any response from you to several technical
e-mail in this threads and others (please don't force me to open
mailman and show exactly all the responses you have deliberately
ignored), spitting unrespectful, poison-weighted words on developers
of our project. You don't want to work cooperatively. You don't want
to build something with FreeBSD community. So why you keep insist on
sending e-mail like this? Don't you think it would be more productive
for you to stick with another project? (I have a couple of names into
my head that may be a good fit for you...).

I think it is very offensive that you mock our statement like that.
For many people reading this e-mail it has a true meaning, people like
you should really watch his mouth when speaking about FreeBSD.


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