On Thu, Jul 05, 2012 at 12:15:44PM +0200, Jonathan McKeown wrote:
> On Thursday 05 July 2012 11:03:32 Doug Barton wrote:
> > If the new feature gets created, and you don't want to use it, turn it
> > off. No problem.
> No. I think this is entirely the wrong way round. If the new feature is 
> created and you want it, turn it on. Don't make me turn off something I 
> didn't want in the first place. [...]

This feature is targeted at new users, for whom it is harder to turn on
something they probably don't even know about, than to skilled users to
turn it off.

If this feature is going to prints quite a few extra lines, let's just
add one more line saying:

        To disable this message run: echo set 31337mode >> ~/.tcshrc

Pawel Jakub Dawidek                       http://www.wheelsystems.com
FreeBSD committer                         http://www.FreeBSD.org
Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!                     http://tupytaj.pl

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