On 7/5/12 12:15 PM, Jonathan McKeown wrote:
> On Thursday 05 July 2012 11:03:32 Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 07/05/2012 01:28, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>>> On 2012-Jul-05 09:22:25 +0200, Jonathan McKeown
>>> <j.mcke...@ru.ac.za> wrote:
>>>> As for the idea that Linux refugees need extra help to migrate,
>>>> that's the sort of thinking that led to things like:
>>>> alias dir=ls
>>> Whilst we're on the subject, can we please also have #define BEGIN
>>> { #define END } wired into gcc to help people migrating from Algol
>>> and Pascal.
>> Um, this kind of elitist crap really isn't helpful.
> It was intended to be a slightly humorous response to your original question:
>> why would you *not* want a feature that tells you what to
>> install if you type a command that doesn't exist on the system?
> rather than ``elitist crap'' (as was the deliberately the over-the-top 
> comparison to Clippy). I don't think suggesting that someone who wants to use 
> a system learn how it works is elitist; and I don't object to optional tools 
> to help  them ``settle in'' (but see below).
> You might also notice that I made a suggestion that might help people 
> migrating - namely some adaptation of the Unix Rosetta Stone in the Handbook 
> so that people who know how to do something in Linux are quickly guided to 
> the best way to do it in FreeBSD (and perhaps vice versa).
>> If the new feature gets created, and you don't want to use it, turn it
>> off. No problem.
> No. I think this is entirely the wrong way round. If the new feature is 
> created and you want it, turn it on. Don't make me turn off something I 
> didn't want in the first place. Given the choice between a system in which I 
> switch on whatever I need, versus one which has absolutely everything 
> switched on where I spend ages switching it all off/deinstalling it all, I 
> know which I prefer - and others have made similar comments.

I have to disagree here.

This feature is also intended to make things easier for new and/or
inexperienced users.

Having to enable it manually defeats its very purpose.

I for one wouldn't mind it being enabled by default as long as I can
disable it via a sysctl or rc.conf variable.
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