2012/7/5 Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org>:
> My objection was not due to misunderstanding about auto-install. I
> find the feature annoying - spewing a bunch of crap at me because of a
> typo. It annoys me far more often than it actually helps me, because
> more often than not the "missing command" is a typo, *not* an attempt
> to run a command I don't have. I.e., if I type mmap instead of nmap, I
> get:
> mwm@IPGhosterCrawlerI:~$ mmap
> No command 'mmap' found, did you mean:
>  Command 'jmap' from package 'openjdk-6-jdk' (main)
>  Command 'jmap' from package 'openjdk-7-jdk' (universe)
>  Command 'gmap' from package 'gmap' (multiverse)
>  Command 'gmap' from package 'scotch' (universe)
>  Command 'tmap' from package 'emboss' (universe)
>  Command 'smap' from package 'slurm-llnl' (universe)
>  Command 'pmap' from package 'procps' (main)
>  Command 'moap' from package 'moap' (universe)
>  Command 'umap' from package 'libunicode-map8-perl' (main)
>  Command 'map' from package 'sgt-puzzles' (universe)
>  Command 'amap' from package 'amap-align' (universe)
> mmap: command not found

And it really annoys me too because usually, instead of an immediate
"command not found", you've got a reply seconds later if on a not so
fast computer. When working on Ubuntu, after a typo or missing command
I have the time to realize that something strange is happening, to
read again what I typed and to hit ^C before any message is displayed.

Olivier Smedts                                                 _
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  "Il y a seulement 10 sortes de gens dans le monde :
  ceux qui comprennent le binaire,
  et ceux qui ne le comprennent pas."
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