that is what i need.

but still need some explanation after using it and reading manual

  PID              START                END PRT  RES PRES REF SHD  FL TP PATH
 1378           0x400000           0x5ac000 r-x  385  415   2   1 CN- vn 
 1378           0x7ab000           0x7bc000 rw-   17    0   1   0 C-- vn 
 1378           0x7bc000           0x800000 rw-   14    0   1   0 C-- df
 1378        0x8007ab000        0x8007c3000 r-x   24    0  32   0 CN- vn 
 1378        0x8007c3000        0x8007f0000 rw-   43    0   1   0 C-- df
 1378        0x8007f0000        0x8007f2000 rw-    1    0   4   0 --- dv
 1378        0x8007f2000        0x8007f4000 rw-    2    0   4   0 --- dv
 1378        0x8007f4000        0x800874000 rw-   11    0   4   0 --- dv
 1378        0x800874000        0x800884000 rw-   16    0   4   0 --- dv
 1378        0x800884000        0x800895000 rw-   10    0   1   0 CN- df
 1378        0x8009c2000        0x8009c5000 rw-    3    0   1   0 C-- df

1) Xorg is mapped twice - IMHO first is text/rodata second is data. But what "REF" really means here and why it is 2 once and 1 second.

2) what really PRES ("private resident") means? df (default) mappings are IMHO anonymous maps==private data of process. so why RES is nonzero while PRES is zero, while on shared code PRES is nonzero and large. what does it really means?


On Tue, 19 Jun 2012, Andrey Zonov wrote:

On 6/18/12 10:31 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
where can i find description of field of files /proc/*/map

Use procstat -v instead.  All fields are documented in procstat(1).

Andrey Zonov
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