> I recently moved to using devfs and now if_tap seems unusable. Although
> the module is loaded, it doesn't show up in /dev or as an interface.
> >From a quick comparison with if_tun it seems that this is 'expected'
> behaviour although I'm not a specialist with devfs. Is this so? If yes,
> is there somebody working to make if_tap devfs-ready? Or I'm doing
> something wrong?
please try the following patch. it is not tested, sorry i dont have
FreeBSD box available right now :( please let me know the results.
*** if_tap.c.orig Mon Nov 6 09:24:08 2000
--- if_tap.c Mon Nov 6 10:26:35 2000
*** 79,84 ****
--- 79,85 ----
static int tapmodevent __P((module_t, int, void *));
/* device */
+ static void tapclone __P((void *, char *, int, dev_t
static void tapcreate __P((dev_t));
/* network interface */
*** 131,157 ****
int type;
void *data;
! static int attached = 0;
! struct ifnet *ifp = NULL;
! int unit, s;
switch (type) {
case MOD_LOAD:
if (attached)
return (EEXIST);
attached = 1;
! case MOD_UNLOAD:
if (taprefcnt > 0)
return (EBUSY);
unit = 0;
while (unit <= taplastunit) {
s = splimp();
TAILQ_FOREACH(ifp, &ifnet, if_link)
if ((strcmp(ifp->if_name, TAP) == 0) ||
--- 132,164 ----
int type;
void *data;
! static int attached = 0;
! static eventhandler_tag eh_tag = NULL;
switch (type) {
case MOD_LOAD:
if (attached)
return (EEXIST);
+ eh_tag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(dev_clone, tapclone, 0,
attached = 1;
! case MOD_UNLOAD: {
! int unit;
if (taprefcnt > 0)
return (EBUSY);
+ EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(dev_clone, eh_tag);
unit = 0;
while (unit <= taplastunit) {
+ int s;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = NULL;
s = splimp();
TAILQ_FOREACH(ifp, &ifnet, if_link)
if ((strcmp(ifp->if_name, TAP) == 0) ||
*** 179,185 ****
attached = 0;
! break;
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
--- 186,192 ----
attached = 0;
! } break;
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
*** 187,192 ****
--- 194,234 ----
return (0);
} /* tapmodevent */
+ /*
+ * DEVFS handler
+ *
+ * We need to support two kind of devices - tap and vmnet
+ */
+ static void
+ tapclone(arg, name, namlen, dev)
+ void *arg;
+ char *name;
+ int namelen;
+ dev_t *dev;
+ {
+ int unit, minor;
+ char *device_name = NULL;
+ if (*dev != NODEV)
+ return;
+ device_name = TAP;
+ if (dev_stdclone(name, NULL, device_name, &unit) != 1) {
+ device_name = VMNET;
+ if (dev_stdclone(name, NULL, device_name, &unit) != 1)
+ return;
+ minor = (unit | VMNET_DEV_MASK);
+ }
+ else
+ minor = unit;
+ *dev = make_dev(&tap_cdevsw, minor, UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0600,
+ device_name, unit);
+ } /* tapclone */
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