"Kenneth D. Merry" wrote:
> I think vmstat(8) might be a better fit than iostat.  vmstat already
> displays kernel memory usage (-m), interrupt usage (-i), paging stats (-s),
> and zone allocator stats (-z).

That's vmstat's problem, not a feature. :-)

That kind of thinking is what led to Linux /proc.

> Since vmstat already has "kitchen sink" type functionality (i.e. a wide
> variety of uses), I think it would probably work better to put this new
> functionality there.

If it's not vm-related, it shouldn't be listed by vmstat.

> iostat is also designed primarily for continuous output use -- displaying a
> line of stats every N seconds.  vmstat is also designed for that in its

That's the objection I raised to Mike. :-) I suggested systat, though
that has it's problems too.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

                He has been convicted of criminal possession of a clue with intent to

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