On Fri, April 27, 2012 18:30, Freddie Cash wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
> <m.e.sanlit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My opinion is that most important obstacle in front of FreeBSD is its
>> installation structure :
>> It is NOT possible to install and use a FreeBSD distribution directly as it
>> is .
>> In Linux distributions , when a distribution is installed , the user , NOT
>> root , can use its facilities WITHOUT setting a ( large ) number of 
>> parameters
>> which it is approximately ZERO .
>> Contrary to this , when a FreeBSD is installed , an ordinary user can NOT
>> use USB , CD/DVD , etc. , and even key board / mouse in X without setting
>> MANY parameters in MANY files ( loder.conf , rc.conf , etc. ) .
>> This point is a very important difficulty for the beginners and a really
>> very tiring for experienced users .
> And that's a good thing.  :)  It forces people to learn.  And it
> allows people to create the system *they* need, instead of being
> forced to use the system "the project" thinks everyone needs.
> We spend a good 2-3 hours customising Ubuntu Server and Debian Linux
> installs to make them work they way *we* want them to, with the
> software *we* want, and the configurations *we* need.  Most of that
> time is spent undoing all the "helpful" abstractions that
> Ubuntu/Debian devs think make life simpler (and they do, *IF* you use
> a GUI to manage things, but CLI users are left in the cold).  Just
> look at the horrible mess that is GRUB2 configuration on
> Ubuntu/Debina, with shell script snippets spread through 4 different
> directories.  Great for GUI tools to parse and update, but a royal
> pain for CLI users.

that could not be more true.

Ubuntu won't even ask if you want GRUB, it installs it and will replace your 
regardless. I hate that.

this is one reason to just use ubuntu where it is alone, and won't harm no OS. 
FreeBSD asks, and
will respect my will to choose.


We will call you Cygnus,
The God of balance you shall be

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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