
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Alexander Motin <m...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 04/10/12 20:18, Alexander Motin wrote:
>> On 04/10/12 19:58, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:
>>> 2012/4/9 Alexander Motin<m...@freebsd.org>:
>>>> [...]
>>>> I have strong feeling that while this test may be interesting for
>>>> profiling,
>>>> it's own results in first place depend not from how fast scheduler
>>>> is, but
>>>> from the pipes capacity and other alike things. Can somebody hint me
>>>> what
>>>> except pipe capacity and context switch to unblocked receiver prevents
>>>> sender from sending all data in batch and then receiver from
>>>> receiving them
>>>> all in batch? If different OSes have different policies there, I think
>>>> results could be incomparable.
>>> Let me disagree on your conclusion. If OS A does a task in X seconds,
>>> and OS B does the same task in Y seconds, if Y> X, then OS B is just
>>> not performing good enough. Internal implementation's difference for
>>> the task can not be waived as an excuse for result's comparability.
>> Sure, numbers are always numbers, but the question is what are they
>> showing? Understanding of the test results is even more important for
>> purely synthetic tests like this. Especially when one test run gives 25
>> seconds, while another gives 50. This test is not completely clear to me
>> and that is what I've told.
> Small illustration to my point. Simple scheduler tuning affects thread
> preemption policy and changes this test results in three times:
> mav@test:/test/hackbench# ./hackbench 30 process 1000
> Running with 30*40 (== 1200) tasks.
> Time: 9.568
> mav@test:/test/hackbench# sysctl kern.sched.interact=0
> kern.sched.interact: 30 -> 0
> mav@test:/test/hackbench# ./hackbench 30 process 1000
> Running with 30*40 (== 1200) tasks.
> Time: 5.163
> mav@test:/test/hackbench# sysctl kern.sched.interact=100
> kern.sched.interact: 0 -> 100
> mav@test:/test/hackbench# ./hackbench 30 process 1000
> Running with 30*40 (== 1200) tasks.
> Time: 3.190
> I think it affects balance between pipe latency and bandwidth, while test
> measures only the last. It is clear that conclusion from these numbers
> depends on what do we want to have.
I don't really care on this point, I'm only testing default values, or
more precisely, whatever developers though default values would be

Btw, you are testing 3 differents configuration. Different results are
expected. What worries me more is the rather the huge instability on
the *same* configuration, say on a pipe/thread/70 groups/600
iterations run, where results range from 2.7s[0] to 7.4s, or a
socket/thread/20 groups/1400 iterations run, where results range from
2.4s to 4.5s.

 - Arnaud

[0]: numbers extracted from a recent run of 9.0-RELEASE on a Xeon
E5-1650 platform.
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