On Mon Mar  5 12, Devin Teske wrote:
> Hiya fellow -hackers@
> Many have complained that bsdinstall(8) does only a fraction of sysinstall(8).
> This complaint is generally understood to be in-relation to the "Configure" 
> menu
> of sysinstall(8).
> Some here may already know that Ron McDowell and I have been hard  at-work
> developing the replacement for sysinstall(8)'s "Configure" menu -- which we 
> have
> named bsdconfig(8).
> bsdconfig(8), together with already-existing bsdinstall(8), should fill the
> gap(s) when sysinstall(8) goes-away in FreeBSD-10.
> bsdconfig(8) is being designed with the intention of being MFC'd to 9, so that
> sysinstall(8) and bsdconfig(8) can co-exist side-by-side while the bugs are
> worked out in RELENG_9.
> Later down the road, 10.0 would have only bsdinstall(8) and bsdconfig(8)
> (sysinstall(8) would no longer be provided).
> Thus, allowing a smooth transition away from sysinstall(8).
> With all that being said, without further ado, let me introduce the latest
> preview:
> http://druidbsd.sf.net/download/bsdconfig/
> NOTE: As of this writing, latest version is "bsdconfig.120305.txz" obtainable
> from the above directory
> You need an already-checked-out version of the FreeBSD source tree (preferably
> 9.0 or higher).
>       1. cd /usr/src
>       2. fetch http://druidbsd.sf.net/download/bsdconfig/bsdconfig.120305.txz
>       3. tar zxf bsdconfig.120305.txz
>       4. cd bsdconfig
>       5. sudo make install
>       bsdconfig -h
>       bsdconfig
> NOTE: If sudo(8) is installed, no need to run as root (bsdconfig will handle
> this for you -- if/when root privileges are needed, you'll be prompted for 
> your
> sudo(8) credentials).
> If you have an X11 display and have xauth(1) installed, try this in an X11
> session:
>       bsdconfig -X
> Some other things to try for fun:
>       bsdconfig hostname
>               # jump directly to hostname configuration
>       bsdconfig users
>               # jump directly to user management
>       bsdconfig networking
>               # jump directly to network management
>       bsdconfig defaultrouter
>               # jump directly to defaultrouter configuration
>       bsdconfig nameservers
>               # jump directly to DNS nameserver configuration
>       bsdconfig docsinstall
>               # jump directly to documentation installation
>       bsdconfig timezone
>               # jump directly to timezone configuration
>       bsdconfig timezone -X
>               # Configure the timezone using X11 GUI
>       bsdconfig timezone -h
>               # See timezone usage (for which there are many options)
> "Documentation Installation" is fully functional
> "Network Management" is fully functional
> "Time Zone" is fully functional
> and
> "Login/Group Management" is mostly functional (group add/edit/delete not done
> yet)
> Rest of the remaining modules are not functional yet.
> We continue to work very hard on this every day and look forward to any/all
> feedback, comments, suggestions, and snide remarks.

great work. a few questions or rather suggestions:

1) why are there two ways to exit bsdconfig? one being "X Exit" and the other
   one being "<Exit bsdconfig>"?
2) the highlighted first letters suggest that these are shortcuts. they work
   great for the actual menu items, but for "<OK>" and "<Exit bsdconfig>",
   pressing O and E doesn't work. in fact E is already taken by "Startup".
3) when bsdconfig starts the note regarding the packages shouldn't state
   "Pascal". most people probably don't know what pascal is. ;) how about
   VirtualBox or chromium? these packages are probably used by a lot more
4) do we really need fdisk and disklabel? hasn't freebsd moved onto gpart
   and glabel?


> -- 
> Cheers,
> Devin
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