> > The RZ1000 PCI-IDE controller found on at least one Intel board is
> > severely broken and requires a workaround which is available for
> > Linux (at least it turned up in the config for 2.4.0, though the board
> > should be a couple of years old, it's for regular Pentium-I).
> > 
> > Could anyone comment on this to get it working with FreeBSD?
> > sysinstalls gets write-errors after a couple of kilobytes, and
> > when running an already installed system, mount/fsck bomb with
> > sig 11, after that you find yourself in single-user mode with
> > every command (including 'reboot'!) yielding a SIGILL.
> Well, that chip is so broken by design, no software workaround can
> help its misery, a hardware fix exists, but cant (easily) be 
> retrofitted. Forget about it, buy a new Promise or whatever if
> you really need that board, a software only fix is _not_ possible,
> no matter what linux might tell you....

The fix was to retry the call if an interrupt occurred
during DMA.  This is a very old bug.

The old ATA driver in FreeBSD had this fix.

Are you sure that you aren't just not setting the right flags
on the device?  This workaround used to be on by default in

Alternately, it's possible that the "new, improved" ATA driver
code is mearely "new".

                                        Terry Lambert
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

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