thanks john.

i've been a long-time (10+ years) freeBSD user (desktops, laptops, servers, and anywhere else i can run it) and advocate (encouraging others to at least check it out) and also a long-time satisfied johnco customer.

my freeBSD days seem to be coming to an end.

i bought myself a LENOVO T510 when it first came out, around early 2010. it's got an i5 CPU and Arrandale GPU. it's two years old and on freeBSD i STILL can't run xorg properly with it. linux has run fine with it since i opened the box. last i checked, freeBSD will be support this GPU in R9... or maybe R10...?

i really like freeBSD's robustness, especially compared to linux, among other things. i like that freeBSD is genetically a "real" unix... what's the real difference between BSD and linux? BSD was developed by unix hackers porting the OS to PC hardware; linux was developed by PC hackers trying to make their own version of unix. these origins are still very apparent, if one knows where to look.

i like that i can set up a freeBSD bare-bones (eg secure) mail-server or web-server in an afternoon.

but none of that matters if the damn thing just doesn't work.

over the last two years, and it pains me to say this, i've been running linux on that T510. but it gets worse... i've been finding that i'm simply more productive on that machine, and spending more time in front of it, and more time getting useful things done.

i understand that it's ultimately a matter of manpower and resources, and linux seems to have more momentum and "sex appeal", but i'm finding myself in a real crisis of faith... the OS that i've been using and loving for 10+ years seems to be dying, from any real usability perspective.

and for now, i'm slowly and reluctantly migrating towards linux.


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        "We will, in fact, be greeted as liberators."
                -- Dick Cheney, 16 March 2003

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