
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Monthadar Al Jaberi
<montha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Monthadar Al Jaberi
> <montha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:35 PM, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:46:34 am Monthadar Al Jaberi wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am not sure why I am having this problem, but looking
>>>> at the code I dont understand uma_core.c really good.
>>>> So I hope someone can shed a light on this:
>>>> I am running on an arm board and and running a kernel module
>>>> that behaves like a wlan interface. so I tx and rx packets.
>>>> For now tx is only only sending beacon like frames.
>>>> This is done through using ieee80211_beacon_alloc().
>>>> Then in a callout task to generate periodic beacons:
>>>>     m_dup(avp->beacon, M_DONTWAIT);
>>>>     mtx_lock(...);
>>>>     STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(...);
>>>>     taskqueue_enqueue(...);
>>>>     mtx_unlock(...);
>>>>     callout_schedule(...);
>>>> On the RX side, the interrupt handler will read out buffer
>>>> then place it on a queue to be handled by wlan-glue code.
>>>> For now wlan-glue code just frees the mbuf it instead of
>>>> calling net80211 ieee80211_input() functions:
>>>>     m_copyback(...);
>>>>     /* Allocate new mbuf for next RX. */
>>>>     bzero((mtod(sc->Rx_m, void *)), MHLEN);
>>>>     sc->Rx_m->m_len = 0; /* NB: m_gethdr does not set */
>>>>     sc->Rx_m->m_data += 20; /* make headroom */
>>>> Then I use a lockmgr inside my kernel module that should
>>>> make sure that we either are on TX or RX path.
>>> Uh, you can't use a lockmgr lock in interrupt handlers or in
>>> if_transmit/if_start routines.  You should most likely just be using a plain
>>> mutex instead.  Also, new code shouldn't use lockmgr in general.  If you
>>> need a sleepable lock, use sx instead.  It has a more straightforward API.
>> Ok, I will change the interrupt handler to do something like this:
>>    disaple_interrupt();
>>    taskqueue_enqueue(...); /* on new rx task queue */
>> Then on the new rx proc:
>>    sx_slock(...);
>>    m_copyback(...);
>>    enable_interrupt();
>>    /* Allocate new mbuf for next RX. */
>>    bzero((mtod(sc->Rx_m, void *)), MHLEN);
>>    sc->Rx_m->m_len = 0; /* NB: m_gethdr does not set */
>>    sc->Rx_m->m_data += 20; /* make headroom */
>>    sx_sunlock(...);
>> I lock TX/RX paths to make sure my code is threading safe.
>> Also because while programming my deivce (SPI communicatioin)
>> there will be a tsleep() waiting for the DMA interrupt and
>> thus we could be prempted by e.g. a beacon_callout etc...
> I did implement your suggestions, using sx and modified interrupt handler
> as specified above. But still same problem as before.
>>>> The problem seems to be at [2], somehow after swapping
>>>> buckets in uma_zfree m_dup returns a pointer to
>>>> an mbuf that is still being used by us, [1] and [3]
>>>> have same address.
>>>> Then we call m_freem twice on same mbuf, [4] and [5].
>>>> And a loop occurs inside uma_free.
>>>> I am using mbufs in a wrong way? Shouldnt mbufs be thread safe?
>>>> Problem seems to occur while swapping buckets.
>>> Hmm, the uma uses its own locking, so it should be safe, yes.  However, you
>>> are correct about [1] and [3].  The thing is, after [1] the mbuf shouldn't
>>> be in any buckets at all (it only gets put back into the bucket during a
>>> free).  Are you sure the mbuf wasn't double free'd previously?
> I rechecked and it is almost certain that I dont double free the mbuf
> before [1].
> And its not like it crashed in the beginning, it does run for a while
> and then it crashes. So our code works for like a hundred beacons 
> sent/received
> between two arm boards. Its feels like something is preempted, which explains
> why the mbuf is still in the bucket (wrongly)?
enabled kernel ?

are you running on an SMP platform where there might be cache-coherency issue ?

 - Arnaud
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