On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 11:24:51 +0300 Kostik Belousov wrote:

 KB> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:13:10AM +0300, Mikolaj Golub wrote:
 >> On Sun, 16 Oct 2011 20:10:05 +0300 Kostik Belousov wrote:
 >>  KB> In my opinion, the way to implement the feature is to (re)use
 >>  KB> linprocfs_doargv() and provide another kern.proc sysctl to retrieve the
 >>  KB> argv and env vectors. Then, ps(1) and procstat(1) can use it, as well 
 >> as
 >>  KB> procfs and linprocfs inside the kernel.
 >> Thanks! I am testing a patch (without auxv vector so far) and have some
 >> questions.
 >> Original ps -e returns environment only for user owned processes (the 
 >> access is
 >> restricted by the permissions of /proc/pid/mem file). My kern.proc.env 
 >> sysctl
 >> does not have such a restriction. I suppose I should add it? What function I
 >> could use for this?
 >> BTW, linprocfs allows to read other user's environment.
 KB> linprocfs uses p_cansee() to check the permissions. There are sysctls
 KB> security.bsd.see_other_{ug}ids that control the behaviour.

 KB> I believe that the new sysctl shall use the same check.

 >>  KB> While you are at the code, it would be useful to also export the auxv 
 >> vector,
 >>  KB> which is immediately before env.
 >> It looks I can find the location of auxv but what about the size? Or do you
 >> propose to extend struct ps_strings to store location and size of auxv? I
 >> could do this way...

 KB> No, extending ps_strings is not needed and it is too radical change.
 KB> The auxv vector must end by the AT_NULL aux entry. You can also 
 KB> limit the amount of read aux vectors to, say, 256, which is much more then
 KB> it is currently defined.

What do you think about the attached patch? This is a kernel
part. COMPAT_FREEBSD32 has not been tested after the last update (just checked
that it compiles): it looks I will not have access to amd64 box for testing
during the weekend. I will test it after the weekend.

Both kernel and userland parts are available here:


Currently there is an issue with procstat -x: if one tried to run it on 64 bit
for a 32 bit process it would not detect this so would output a garbage. Could
somebody recommend a way how to get this info about a process from userlend?

Mikolaj Golub

diff --git a/sys/sys/proc.h b/sys/sys/proc.h
index fb97913..4949f98 100644
--- a/sys/sys/proc.h
+++ b/sys/sys/proc.h
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ struct p_sched;
 struct proc;
 struct procdesc;
 struct racct;
+struct sbuf;
 struct sleepqueue;
 struct td_sched;
 struct thread;
@@ -843,6 +844,10 @@ int	p_canwait(struct thread *td, struct proc *p);
 struct	pargs *pargs_alloc(int len);
 void	pargs_drop(struct pargs *pa);
 void	pargs_hold(struct pargs *pa);
+int	proc_getargv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb,
+	    size_t nchr);
+int	proc_getenvv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb,
+	    size_t nchr);
 void	procinit(void);
 void	proc_linkup0(struct proc *p, struct thread *td);
 void	proc_linkup(struct proc *p, struct thread *td);
diff --git a/sys/sys/sysctl.h b/sys/sys/sysctl.h
index 1e879f5..99ea342 100644
--- a/sys/sys/sysctl.h
+++ b/sys/sys/sysctl.h
@@ -559,6 +559,8 @@ SYSCTL_ALLOWED_TYPES(UINT64, uint64_t *a; unsigned long long *b; );
 #define	KERN_PROC_VMMAP		32	/* VM map entries for process */
 #define	KERN_PROC_FILEDESC	33	/* File descriptors for process */
 #define	KERN_PROC_GROUPS	34	/* process groups */
+#define	KERN_PROC_ENV		35	/* get environment */
+#define	KERN_PROC_AUXV		36	/* get ELF auxiliary vector */
  * KERN_IPC identifiers
diff --git a/sys/kern/kern_proc.c b/sys/kern/kern_proc.c
index 998e7ca..ef4055a 100644
--- a/sys/kern/kern_proc.c
+++ b/sys/kern/kern_proc.c
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/exec.h>
 #include <sys/kernel.h>
 #include <sys/limits.h>
 #include <sys/lock.h>
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/mount.h>
 #include <sys/mutex.h>
 #include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/ptrace.h>
 #include <sys/refcount.h>
 #include <sys/sbuf.h>
 #include <sys/sysent.h>
@@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/vnode.h>
 #include <sys/eventhandler.h>
+#include <machine/elf.h>
 #ifdef DDB
 #include <ddb/ddb.h>
@@ -1356,6 +1360,218 @@ pargs_drop(struct pargs *pa)
+static int
+proc_read_mem(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t offset, void* buf,
+    size_t len)
+	struct iovec iov;
+	struct uio uio;
+	iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)buf;
+	iov.iov_len = len;
+	uio.uio_iov = &iov;
+	uio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
+	uio.uio_offset = offset;
+	uio.uio_resid = (ssize_t)len;
+	uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
+	uio.uio_rw = UIO_READ;
+	uio.uio_td = td;
+	return (proc_rwmem(p, &uio));
+#define PROC_AUXV_MAX	256	/* Limit on auxv size. */
+enum proc_vector_type {
+static int
+get_proc_vector32(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, char ***proc_vectorp,
+    size_t *vsizep, enum proc_vector_type type)
+	struct freebsd32_ps_strings pss;
+	Elf32_Auxinfo aux;
+	vm_offset_t vptr, ptr;
+	uint32_t *proc_vector32;
+	char **proc_vector;
+	size_t vsize, size;
+	int i, error;
+	error = proc_read_mem(td, p, (vm_offset_t)(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings),
+	    &pss, sizeof(pss));
+	if (error != 0)
+		return (error);
+	switch (type) {
+	case PROC_ARG:
+		vptr = (vm_offset_t)PTRIN(pss.ps_argvstr);
+		vsize = pss.ps_nargvstr;
+		size = vsize * sizeof(int32_t);
+		break;
+	case PROC_ENV:
+		vptr = (vm_offset_t)PTRIN(pss.ps_envstr);
+		vsize = pss.ps_nenvstr;
+		size = vsize * sizeof(int32_t);
+		break;
+	case PROC_AUX:
+		vptr = ptr = (vm_offset_t)PTRIN(pss.ps_envstr) +
+			(pss.ps_nenvstr + 1) * sizeof(int32_t);
+		for (i = 0; i < PROC_AUXV_MAX; i++) {
+			error = proc_read_mem(td, p, ptr, &aux, sizeof(aux));
+			if (error != 0)
+				return (error);
+			if (aux.a_type == AT_NULL)
+				break;
+			ptr += sizeof(aux);
+		}
+		if (aux.a_type != AT_NULL) {
+			*proc_vectorp = NULL;
+			*vsizep = 0;
+			return (0);
+		}
+		vsize = i + 1;
+		size = vsize * sizeof(aux);
+		break;
+	default:
+		KASSERT(0, ("Wrong proc vector type: %d", type));
+	}
+	proc_vector32 = malloc(size, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+	error = proc_read_mem(td, p, vptr, proc_vector32, size);
+	if (error != 0)
+		goto done;
+	if (type == PROC_AUX) {
+		*proc_vectorp = (char **)proc_vector32;
+		*vsizep = vsize;
+		return (0);
+	}
+	proc_vector = malloc(vsize * sizeof(char *), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+	for (i = 0; i < (int)vsize; i++)
+		proc_vector[i] = PTRIN(proc_vector32[i]);
+	*proc_vectorp = proc_vector;
+	*vsizep = vsize;
+	free(proc_vector32, M_TEMP);
+	return (error);
+static int
+get_proc_vector(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, char ***proc_vectorp,
+    size_t *vsizep, enum proc_vector_type type)
+	struct ps_strings pss;
+	Elf_Auxinfo aux;
+	vm_offset_t vptr, ptr;
+	char **proc_vector;
+	size_t vsize, size;
+	int error, i;
+	if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32) != 0)
+		return (get_proc_vector32(td, p, proc_vectorp, vsizep, type));
+	error = proc_read_mem(td, p, (vm_offset_t)(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings),
+	    &pss, sizeof(pss));
+	if (error != 0)
+		return (error);
+	switch (type) {
+	case PROC_ARG:
+		vptr = (vm_offset_t)pss.ps_argvstr;
+		vsize = pss.ps_nargvstr;
+		size = vsize * sizeof(char *);
+		break;
+	case PROC_ENV:
+		vptr = (vm_offset_t)pss.ps_envstr;
+		vsize = pss.ps_nenvstr;
+		size = vsize * sizeof(char *);
+		break;
+	case PROC_AUX:
+		vptr = ptr = (vm_offset_t)pss.ps_envstr + (pss.ps_nenvstr + 1)
+		    * sizeof(char *);
+		for (i = 0; i < PROC_AUXV_MAX; i++) {
+			error = proc_read_mem(td, p, ptr, &aux, sizeof(aux));
+			if (error != 0)
+				return (error);
+			if (aux.a_type == AT_NULL)
+				break;
+			ptr += sizeof(aux);
+		}
+		if (aux.a_type != AT_NULL) {
+			*proc_vectorp = NULL;
+			*vsizep = 0;
+			return (0);
+		}
+		vsize = i + 1;
+		size = vsize * sizeof(aux);
+		break;
+	default:
+		KASSERT(0, ("Wrong proc vector type: %d", type));
+	}
+	proc_vector = malloc(size, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+	error = proc_read_mem(td, p, vptr, proc_vector, size);
+	if (error != 0) {
+		free(proc_vector, M_TEMP);
+		return (error);
+	}
+	*proc_vectorp = proc_vector;
+	*vsizep = vsize;
+	return (0);
+#define GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ	256	/* Chunk size (bytes) for ps_strings operations. */
+static int
+get_ps_strings(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb,
+    enum proc_vector_type type, size_t nchr)
+	vm_offset_t offset;
+	size_t done, len, vsize;
+	int error, i;
+	char **proc_vector;
+	char pss_string[GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ];
+	error = get_proc_vector(td, p, &proc_vector, &vsize, type);
+	if (error != 0)
+		return (error);
+	for (done = 0, i = 0; i < (int)vsize && done < nchr; i++) {
+		for (offset = (vm_offset_t)proc_vector[i]; ;
+		     offset += GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ) {
+			error = proc_read_mem(td, p, offset, pss_string,
+			    sizeof(pss_string));
+			if (error != 0)
+				goto done;
+			len = strnlen(pss_string, GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ);
+			if (done + len >= nchr)
+				len = nchr - done - 1;
+			sbuf_bcat(sb, pss_string, len);
+			if (len != GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ)
+				break;
+		}
+		sbuf_bcat(sb, "", 1);
+		done += len + 1;
+	}
+	free(proc_vector, M_TEMP);
+	return (error);
+proc_getargv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb, size_t nchr)
+	return (get_ps_strings(curthread, p, sb, PROC_ARG, nchr));
+proc_getenvv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb, size_t nchr)
+	return (get_ps_strings(curthread, p, sb, PROC_ENV, nchr));
  * This sysctl allows a process to retrieve the argument list or process
  * title for another process without groping around in the address space
@@ -1369,7 +1585,8 @@ sysctl_kern_proc_args(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
 	u_int namelen = arg2;
 	struct pargs *newpa, *pa;
 	struct proc *p;
-	int error = 0;
+	struct sbuf sb;
+	int error = 0, error2;
 	if (namelen != 1) 
 		return (EINVAL);
@@ -1389,11 +1606,24 @@ sysctl_kern_proc_args(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
 	pa = p->p_args;
-	pargs_hold(pa);
-	if (pa != NULL)
+	if (pa != NULL) {
+		pargs_hold(pa);
 		error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, pa->ar_args, pa->ar_length);
-	pargs_drop(pa);
+		pargs_drop(pa);
+	} else if ((p->p_flag & (P_WEXIT | P_SYSTEM)) == 0) {
+		_PHOLD(p);
+		sbuf_new_for_sysctl(&sb, NULL, GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ, req);
+		error = proc_getargv(curthread, p, &sb, req->oldlen);
+		error2 = sbuf_finish(&sb);
+		PRELE(p);
+		sbuf_delete(&sb);
+		if (error == 0 && error2 != 0)
+			error = error2;
+	} else {
+	}
 	if (error != 0 || req->newptr == NULL)
 		return (error);
@@ -1414,6 +1644,95 @@ sysctl_kern_proc_args(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
+ * This sysctl allows a process to retrieve environment of another process.
+ */
+static int
+	int *name = (int*) arg1;
+	u_int namelen = arg2;
+	struct proc *p;
+	struct sbuf sb;
+	int error, error2;
+	if (namelen != 1)
+		return (EINVAL);
+	p = pfind((pid_t)name[0]);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return (ESRCH);
+	if (p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) {
+		return (ESRCH);
+	}
+	if ((error = p_candebug(curthread, p)) != 0) {
+		return (error);
+	}
+	if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) {
+		return (0);
+	}
+	_PHOLD(p);
+	sbuf_new_for_sysctl(&sb, NULL, GET_PS_STRINGS_CHUNK_SZ, req);
+	error = proc_getenvv(curthread, p, &sb, req->oldlen);
+	error2 = sbuf_finish(&sb);
+	PRELE(p);
+	sbuf_delete(&sb);
+	return (error != 0 ? error : error2);
+ * This sysctl allows a process to retrieve ELF auxiliary vector of
+ * another process.
+ */
+static int
+	int *name = (int*) arg1;
+	u_int namelen = arg2;
+	struct proc *p;
+	size_t vsize;
+	char **auxv;
+	int error;
+	if (namelen != 1)
+		return (EINVAL);
+	p = pfind((pid_t)name[0]);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return (ESRCH);
+	if (p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) {
+		return (ESRCH);
+	}
+	if ((error = p_cansee(curthread, p)) != 0) {
+		return (error);
+	}
+	if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) {
+		return (0);
+	}
+	_PHOLD(p);
+	error = get_proc_vector(curthread, p, &auxv, &vsize, PROC_AUX);
+	PRELE(p);
+	if (error == 0) {
+		if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32) != 0)
+			error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, auxv, vsize *
+			    sizeof(Elf32_Auxinfo));
+		else
+		error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, auxv, vsize * sizeof(Elf_Auxinfo));
+		free(auxv, M_TEMP);
+	}
+	return (error);
  * This sysctl allows a process to retrieve the path of the executable for
  * itself or another process.
@@ -2026,6 +2345,14 @@ static SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_proc, KERN_PROC_ARGS, args,
 	sysctl_kern_proc_args, "Process argument list");
+static SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_proc, KERN_PROC_ENV, env,
+	sysctl_kern_proc_env, "Process environment");
+static SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_proc, KERN_PROC_AUXV, auxv,
+	sysctl_kern_proc_auxv, "Process ELF auxiliary vector");
 static SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_proc, KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, pathname, CTLFLAG_RD |
 	CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, sysctl_kern_proc_pathname, "Process executable path");
diff --git a/sys/compat/linprocfs/linprocfs.c b/sys/compat/linprocfs/linprocfs.c
index 8832d3d..2f8ec1a 100644
--- a/sys/compat/linprocfs/linprocfs.c
+++ b/sys/compat/linprocfs/linprocfs.c
@@ -919,150 +919,6 @@ linprocfs_doprocroot(PFS_FILL_ARGS)
 	return (0);
-#define MAX_ARGV_STR	512	/* Max number of argv-like strings */
-#define UIO_CHUNK_SZ	256	/* Max chunk size (bytes) for uiomove */
-static int
-linprocfs_doargv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb,
-    void (*resolver)(const struct ps_strings, u_long *, int *))
-	struct iovec iov;
-	struct uio tmp_uio;
-	struct ps_strings pss;
-	int ret, i, n_elements, elm_len;
-	u_long addr, pbegin;
-	char **env_vector, *envp;
-	char env_string[UIO_CHUNK_SZ];
-	struct freebsd32_ps_strings pss32;
-	uint32_t *env_vector32;
-#define	UIO_HELPER(uio, iov, base, len, cnt, offset, sz, flg, rw, td)	\
-do {									\
-	iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)(base);					\
-	iov.iov_len = (len); 						\
-	uio.uio_iov = &(iov); 						\
-	uio.uio_iovcnt = (cnt);	 					\
-	uio.uio_offset = (off_t)(offset);				\
-	uio.uio_resid = (sz); 						\
-	uio.uio_segflg = (flg);						\
-	uio.uio_rw = (rw); 						\
-	uio.uio_td = (td);						\
-} while (0)
-	env_vector = malloc(sizeof(char *) * MAX_ARGV_STR, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
-	env_vector32 = NULL;
-	if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32) != 0) {
-		env_vector32 = malloc(sizeof(*env_vector32) * MAX_ARGV_STR,
-		    M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
-		elm_len = sizeof(int32_t);
-		envp = (char *)env_vector32;
-		UIO_HELPER(tmp_uio, iov, &pss32, sizeof(pss32), 1,
-		    (off_t)(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings),
-		    sizeof(pss32), UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ, td);
-		ret = proc_rwmem(p, &tmp_uio);
-		if (ret != 0)
-			goto done;
-		pss.ps_argvstr = PTRIN(pss32.ps_argvstr);
-		pss.ps_nargvstr = pss32.ps_nargvstr;
-		pss.ps_envstr = PTRIN(pss32.ps_envstr);
-		pss.ps_nenvstr = pss32.ps_nenvstr;
-	} else {
-		elm_len = sizeof(char *);
-		envp = (char *)env_vector;
-		UIO_HELPER(tmp_uio, iov, &pss, sizeof(pss), 1,
-		    (off_t)(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings),
-		    sizeof(pss), UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ, td);
-		ret = proc_rwmem(p, &tmp_uio);
-		if (ret != 0)
-			goto done;
-	}
-	/* Get the array address and the number of elements */
-	resolver(pss, &addr, &n_elements);
-	/* Consistent with lib/libkvm/kvm_proc.c */
-	if (n_elements > MAX_ARGV_STR) {
-		ret = E2BIG;
-		goto done;
-	}
-	UIO_HELPER(tmp_uio, iov, envp, n_elements * elm_len, 1,
-	    (vm_offset_t)(addr), iov.iov_len, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ, td);
-	ret = proc_rwmem(p, &tmp_uio);
-	if (ret != 0)
-		goto done;
-	if (env_vector32 != NULL) {
-		for (i = 0; i < n_elements; i++)
-			env_vector[i] = PTRIN(env_vector32[i]);
-	}
-	/* Now we can iterate through the list of strings */
-	for (i = 0; i < n_elements; i++) {
-		pbegin = (vm_offset_t)env_vector[i];
-		for (;;) {
-			UIO_HELPER(tmp_uio, iov, env_string, sizeof(env_string),
-			    1, pbegin, iov.iov_len, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ, td);
-			ret = proc_rwmem(p, &tmp_uio);
-			if (ret != 0)
-				goto done;
-			if (!strvalid(env_string, UIO_CHUNK_SZ)) {
-				/*
-				 * We didn't find the end of the string.
-				 * Add the string to the buffer and move
-				 * the pointer.  But do not allow strings
-				 * of unlimited length.
-				 */
-				sbuf_bcat(sb, env_string, UIO_CHUNK_SZ);
-				if (sbuf_len(sb) >= ARG_MAX) {
-					ret = E2BIG;
-					goto done;
-				}
-				pbegin += UIO_CHUNK_SZ;
-			} else {
-				sbuf_cat(sb, env_string);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		sbuf_bcat(sb, "", 1);
-	}
-#undef UIO_HELPER
-	free(env_vector, M_TEMP);
-	free(env_vector32, M_TEMP);
-	return (ret);
-static void
-ps_string_argv(const struct ps_strings ps, u_long *addr, int *n)
-	*addr = (u_long) ps.ps_argvstr;
-	*n = ps.ps_nargvstr;
-static void
-ps_string_env(const struct ps_strings ps, u_long *addr, int *n)
-	*addr = (u_long) ps.ps_envstr;
-	*n = ps.ps_nenvstr;
  * Filler function for proc/pid/cmdline
@@ -1090,9 +946,15 @@ linprocfs_doproccmdline(PFS_FILL_ARGS)
 		return (0);
+	if ((p->p_flag & (P_WEXIT | P_SYSTEM)) != 0) {
+		return (0);
+	}
-	ret = linprocfs_doargv(td, p, sb, ps_string_argv);
+	ret = proc_getargv(td, p, sb, ARG_MAX);
 	return (ret);
@@ -1118,9 +980,15 @@ linprocfs_doprocenviron(PFS_FILL_ARGS)
 		return (0);
+	if ((p->p_flag & (P_WEXIT | P_SYSTEM)) != 0) {
+		return (0);
+	}
-	ret = linprocfs_doargv(td, p, sb, ps_string_env);
+	ret = proc_getenvv(td, p, sb, ARG_MAX);
 	return (ret);
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