On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 04:52:15PM -0400, Mark Saad wrote:
> Hackers
> I have a strange apache issue , and I wonder if anyone has seen this before.
> I am running Apache 1.3.34 on freeBSD 7.3-RELEASE amd64 . At some
> point in the day apache's children segfault and die. No core files are
> generated.  I am
> not running mod_php either.

Apache 1.x isn't really advised since many many years, but I assume you
have very special reasons to stay with it?

> 1. I have setup the following sysctls
>  #Debug options
>  kern.sugid_coredump=1
>  kern.corefile="/var/coredumps/%U-%N-%P.core"

Don't use quotes here.

> 2. The httpd.conf is set with CoreDumpDirectory /var/coredumps/
> 3. The dir  /var/coredumps/ is set 1777
> 4. A ktrace of the parrent apache process shows the core file tries to create
>  84954 libhttpd.ep RET   kill 0
>  84954 libhttpd.ep CALL  sigreturn(0x7ffffffeb030)
>  84954 libhttpd.ep RET   sigreturn JUSTRETURN
>  84954 libhttpd.ep PSIG  SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
>  84954 libhttpd.ep NAMI  ""/var/coredumps/65534-libhttpd.ep-84954.core""

It's double quoted here - one to frame the filename and one as part of the
filename itself.
I guess your / directory don't contain a subdirectory named ".

>  34924 libhttpd.ep RET   select 0
>  34924 libhttpd.ep CALL  gettimeofday(0x7fffffffe890,0)
>  34924 libhttpd.ep RET   gettimeofday 0
>  34924 libhttpd.ep CALL  fork
> 5. I  have proc mounted and I can't  gcore -s $PID either
> I have no cores and I am stumped .
> -- 
> mark saad | nones...@longcount.org
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