On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Colin Barnabas <a...@ucs.com> wrote:

> I found a hello world program written in assembly language which
> runs on my amd64 8.2 stable box. However, I can not seem to get
> it to print a new line. Any suggestions on how to print a line
> feed in assembly?
> Here is the code-
> section .data
> message:
> db      'hello, world!', 0x0a
> section .text
> global _start
> _start:
> mov     rax, 4
> mov     rdi, 1
> mov     rsi, message
> mov     rdx, 13
> syscall
> mov     rax, 1
> xor     rdi, rdi
> syscall
Here's the site I used years ago:


It has a 'Helo, World' example.

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