On 6/7/11 12:57 PM, Dieter BSD wrote:
I've been working on fixing problems with printf(9), log(9) and
related functions.  Today I tried converting printf(9) to write
to the log rather than directly to the console, unless the log is
not open, in which case the message is also sent to the console.
Printf(...) is now the same as log(LOG_INFO, ...).
oh please no!

from my perspective, I want my printf output to go to the console.
immediately, regardless of where it goes after that.
I don't care if there is or is not a log.
I do NOT want to EVER have the problem I've had on linux where
the last vital bit of output never made it out before the system stopped.

once it's been shown on the console I don't care what happens to it..

I commented out the line in /etc/syslog.conf that sends
some log messages to the console.  In multiuser mode,
normal printfs go to log, but not the console, as expected.

Bootup messages, shutdown messages, and panic messages all
show up on the console as expected.

Are there any other special cases to test?
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