On May 23, 2011, at 10:32 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

> On Monday, May 23, 2011 10:13:41 am Philip Soeberg wrote:
>> I would also expect the ixgbe.c driver to do a quick resource_disabled() 
>> in it's attach() function, so that we can disable specific adapters 
>> through kenv hint.ix.0.disabled=1..
> That is not universally supported (i.e. it's not a part of new-bus 
> specifically).  For buses that support hinted devices, they do all generally 
> support being able to disable a hinted device, but disabling bus-enumerated 
> devices is not generally supported.

FYI, I submitted a patch to Jack to add this in all of the e1000/ixgbe drivers. 
 Setting a disabled="1" hint causes the attach to fail with ENXIO.  I don't 
know if it's 'correct' or not but it serves a purpose in our testing and I 
thought it would be useful for others.


Andrew Boyer    abo...@averesystems.com

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