On Mar 6, 2011, at 6:09 AM, Vlad Galu wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Vlad Galu <d...@dudu.ro> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Eric Anderson <ander...@ttel.com> wrote:
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 10:44 AM, Deomid Ryabkov wrote:
> > On 03/05/2011 04:02 AM, Eric Anderson wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I have a moderately threaded userland program (all C) I am working on 
> >> (using pthreads, freebsd 8.1 64bit).  It seems to leak memory (using 
> >> standard malloc/free) badly.
> > as opposed to what? OpenBSD? Linux? Windows? why do you think your problem 
> > is specific to FreeBSD (as evidenced by your post to a FreeBSD-specific 
> > list) or is related to threaded programs?
> OpenSolaris and Mac OS X.  I didn't really assume or state it was specific to 
> FreeBSD, just that this scenario was on FreeBSD. I happen to do most of the 
> development and testing on OS X and FreeBSD, and I've enjoyed the FreeBSD 
> community for a very long time.
> >
> >>   I am using pcap to capture packets and process them. I have a handful of 
> >> libs statically linked in (pcap is one, the rest don't seem to matter - I 
> >> can remove them and still see the leak).
> >>
> >> Does anyone know of issues regarding malloc/free on multithreaded userland 
> >> apps?
> > hell yeah. it goes like this: you malloc() then forget to free() - boom, 
> > you have a memory leak.
> >
> > you're welcome.
> Thanks, very insightful.
> >
> >
> > sarcasm aside, those questions still remain: why do you think os/libraries 
> > are the problem and not your code?
> Because I am tracking all malloc and free calls within the application code 
> (aside from libraries) and I can account for all malloc'ed memory and freed 
> memory in both count and by bytes, yet looking at ps output shows a very 
> different story, and if I leave it run long enough, will consume all memory 
> and swap in the system and then be killed off.  I wrapped malloc/free in a 
> function, and record all memory alloc'ed and free'd.  The only memory I 
> cannot track is memory alloced and freed by libraries I am pulling in (well, 
> can't track easily anyway without hacking through all of their source code).
> > you can't post all of it, ok, and we don't want all of it either. can you 
> > isolate a specific example of where valid usage of a library causes a leak?
> Not really - if I could, I would have fixed it by now.  It's a non-trivial 
> issue - which is why I am beginning to suspect something more complicated 
> than a "oops I forgot to free" kind of error.  Plus, I have seen a few people 
> elsewhere on various forums/mailing lists with similar issues claiming that 
> switching to the Hoard allocator fixed the problem (which doesn't seem to be 
> happy with 32bit FreeBSD - tried it).  I have also seen various comments 
> about pthreads and memory allocators having apparent leaks at some threading 
> level, but not sure.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> Had there been a memleak in jemalloc, I'm sure more people would have spotted 
> it by now. How many pcap_t structs do you use in your app? libpcap is not 
> threadsafe. FWIW I've been running a pcap/threaded application continuously 
> for the past couple of years and the memory usage has been constant.
> Also, put a couple of printf()s before and after pcap_dispatch()/pcap_loop() 
> (if you use any of them), to make sure they don't block waiting for your 
> callback to return (on some platforms it doesn't, so you never get to free 
> memory in outer frames). This might not necessarily be your case, but it's 
> worth taking a look at.
> That should've been pcap_dispatch()/pcap_next().
Hmm - interestingly enough, I use a third party lib that handles some parts of 
what pcap does..  I'll did into that lib and check these things.  Thanks for 
the idea!


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