On (24/01/2011 11:33), Alexander Best wrote:
> On Mon Jan 24 11, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Peter Jeremy <peterjer...@acm.org> wrote:
> > > On 2011-Jan-21 20:01:32 +0100, "Simon L. B. Nielsen" <si...@nitro.dk> 
> > > wrote:
> > >>Perhaps we should just set the tinderbox up to sync directly of 
> > >>cvsup-master instead if that makes it more useful?
> > >
> > > Can cvsup-master still lose atomicity of commits?  I suspect it can,
> > > in which case syncing directly off the SVN master would seem a better
> > > approach.
> > 
> > I've seen a lot of `self-healing' failures lately w.r.t. cvsup, so I
> > wonder if it's time to look at another solution to this problem as
> > these annoying stability issues don't appear to be going away. What
> > about git?
> > 
> > Just some things I'm able to rattle off that come to mind with git..
> it would also be nice to have github running on freebsd.org. that way it would
> be much easier to discuss src changes without having to point people at a 
> file,
> a function or even a specific line. also it would finally kill the
> mailinglists, which have lots of issues: spam, broken mailman installation,
> people going berserker when they see lines > 80 etc. there have been a few
> attempts to introduce a code review system, but since that was all hosted on
> foreign websites the idea never cought on and afaik those websites weren't
> being supported/promoted by freebsd.org.

Having github would be nice, but it's not open source. Another option
could be gitorious, there are merge requests with review option[1], patch
review, already hosted freebsd repository[2].

All we need as a first step is developers starting accepting merge
requests from each other, people use it already[3].

1. http://blog.gitorious.org/2009/11/06/awesome-code-review/
2. http://gitorious.org/freebsd
3. http://gitorious.org/freebsd/repositories

> but personally i don't expect a change like this to happen in the near future.
> basically most of the freebsd administrative people are quite conservative. i
> wouldn't be surprised if some them are still trying to run freebsd on their
> typewriters. ;)
> cheers.
> alex
> > 
> > Some arguments `for git'...
> > 
> > 1. One tool to rule them all:
> >    - cvsup/csup can be replaced with git archive [1].
> >    - cvs git scales a bit better.
> >    - less support cost for p4 and lower likelihood of downtime in the
> > event of critical failure (perforce's proprietary DB is a pain to
> > recover I've recently discovered from other dealings).
> >    - svn <-> cvs exporter is no longer required as it's all one SCM.
> >    - As a side-effect, the bits present in CVS and SVN would now be
> > 100% in sync, unlike cvs which can lead svn in terms of commits (at
> > least that was the case when I last talked to someone about version
> > numbering in pkg_install done by re@).
> > 2. More evolved tool:
> >    - branches are cheap and can be local or remote.
> >    - distributed SCM seem to work well with large groups of developers.
> >    - works better with branching and merging from what I've seen.
> > 
> > Some arguments against git...
> > - The one caveat to cvsup/csup that's awesome is its componentization
> > capability, i.e. being able to selectively download components in src
> > / ports; I'm not 100% sure but there doesn't appear to be a clear
> > analog in git. It might be achievable through gits remote.<group> in
> > git-config, git-remote, etc, but I would need to prototype whether or
> > not this is true.
> > - Higher learning curve.
> > - Some slightly annoying nits with stashing local changes when working
> > on separate branches (need to talk to git maintainers).
> > - <More items might be here>
> > 
> >     Some more git experienced folks could comment here, but it would
> > be nice to unify all of the systems under `one flag' for the sake of
> > simplicity and hopefully the sanity of the tool maintainers (Simon, et
> > all).
> > Thanks!
> > -Garrett
> -- 
> a13x
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