On 14.01.2011 14:33, Daniel Braniss wrote:
>> On 14.01.2011 13:37, Daniel Braniss wrote:
>>> and on the console:
>>>     GEOM: mfid0: the secondary GPT table is corrupt or invalid.
>>>     GEOM: mfid0: using the primary only -- recovery suggested.
>>>     GEOM: mfid0: the secondary GPT table is corrupt or invalid.
>>>     GEOM: mfid0: using the primary only -- recovery suggested.
>>>     GEOM: label/r0: corrupt or invalid GPT detected.
>>>     GEOM: label/r0: GPT rejected -- may not be recoverable.
>>> BTW, going the MBR way, it works as expected.
>>> so what am I doing wrong?
>> GLABEL saves his metadata in the last sector of the given provider
>> where secondary GPT is located. You can label mfid0 with glabel and
>> after that create GPT on top of label/r0. This should work.
> I guess 'should' is the right word, because it doesn't :-)
>       # glabel label r0 mfid0
>       # gpart create -s GPT label/r0
>       label/r0 created
> but on console:
>       GEOM: mfid0: the secondary GPT header is not in the last LBA
> next:
>       # gpart add -b 34 -s128 -t freebsd-boot $d
> on console: more of the same, and
>       # gpart show
>       =>        34  1952448444  label/r0  GPT  (931G)
>                 34         128         1  freebsd-boot  (64K)
>                162  1952448316            - free -  (931G)
>       =>        34  1952448444  mfid0  GPT  (931G) [CORRUPT]
>                 34         128      1  freebsd-boot  (64K)
>                162  1952448316         - free -  (931G)
> danny

It works as expected. Both providers label/r0 and mfid0 have primary GPT,
but label/r0 is one sector smaller than mfid0 and GPT's metadata is valid
only for label/r0. mfid0 marked as CORRUPT and you can not modify it.
Please read RECOVERING section of gpart(8) manual page.

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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