Hi Hackers,
    The following is a really short patch commit request for updating
the manpage documentation for pw(8) to note that if I do the

    pw user add foo
    pw user del foo

    It will remove the group foo, but if I do the following:

    pw user add foo
    pw user add bar -G foo
    pw user del foo

    It will retain the foo user group as the membership is non-zero.
This behavior is intuitive, but undocumented in the manpage as it
    Credits go to Karl Schumaker @ IronPort for the find.
Index: usr.sbin/pw/pw.8
--- usr.sbin/pw/pw.8	(revision 216495)
+++ usr.sbin/pw/pw.8	(working copy)
@@ -713,6 +713,10 @@
 are also removed if the user's uid is unique and not also used by another account on the
+If the user specified has a user group associated with it, and the group
+membership when removed is just the user, the user group will be automatically
+removed from the group file as well.
 .Ar usershow
 command allows viewing of an account in one of two formats.
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