
The default setup for Parallels was a Shared network.  I didn't see
any way to change this in the Parallels machine configuration, but
there was another menu I had missed where the network was
configurable.  Changing the network to bridged, ifconfig em0 down;
dhclient em0 and now mounting works!


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 8:44 PM,  <> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Garrett Cooper <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Daniel O'Connor <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 22/11/2010, at 13:32, wrote:
>>>> My /etc/exports file on the Mac looks like:
>>>> /data   -maproot=mdf:admin      -network    -mask
>>>> as that's the IP range that parallels is using for its virtual machines.
>>>> But when I try to mount from FreeBSD (as root) I get this error:
>>>> RPCPROG_MNT: RPC: Authentication error; why = Client credential too weak
>>> I just tried this on my MBP with parallels and it worked fine - I had 
>>> maproot=0:0 though.
>>> Also, I mounted /Users - don't know if it makes a difference or if there is 
>>> some other thing that needs tweaking first.
>>    In short, look at /var/log/messages on the Macbook to see what RPC
>> isn't happy with [1].
>> HTH,
>> -Garrett
>> 1.
> maproot=0:0 gives me the same error.
> There is no /var/log/messages on the mac, or at least not on mine.  A
> grep for things like "credential" shows no hits anywhere in /var/log;
> a grep for mountd in /var/log/*.log only has hits in
> launchd-shutdown.log.  A grep for nfsd in /var/log/*.log doesn't
> *seem* to have anything useful, just a few in appfirewall.log about
> nfsd listening on various ports.
> Even with the firewall off I get the same "Client credential too weak"
> error.  I get the same error when I change /etc/exports on the Mac and
> /etc/fstab on the FreeBSD VM to /Users/mdf.
> So... I'm pretty stumped.
> Thanks,
> matthew
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