Hi, It looks like the format strings are broken on 64-bit archs in /bin/sh's TRACE functionality (can be enabled by uncommenting -DDEBUG > 1 in bin/sh/Makefile). The attached patch fixes this functionality again so one can trace sh's calls with TRACE, which may or may be helpful to those debugging /bin/sh. Tested build and execution on amd64; tested build on i386. Thanks! -Garrett
PS If someone can help review, and potentially commit this patch, it would be much appreciated. Tracing started. Shell args: "./sh" "-x" cmdloop(1) called showjobs(1) called token word sleep pipeline: entered reread token word sleep reread token word sleep reread token word sleep reread token word sleep reread token word sleep token word 100 token "&" reread token "&" reread token "&" reread token "&" token newline evaltree(0x800d4b658: 1) called evalcommand(0x800d4b658, 0) called evalcommand arg: sleep evalcommand arg: 100 searchexec "sleep" returns "/bin/sleep" makejob(0x800d4b658, 1) returns %1 forkshell(%0, 0x800d4b658, 1) called dowait(0) called wait returns -1, status=8 Child shell 16632 normal command: "sleep" "100" In parent shell: child = 16632 showjobs(1) called dowait(0) called wait returns 0, status=-256 token word echo pipeline: entered reread token word echo reread token word echo reread token word echo reread token word echo reread token word echo token word hallo token end of file reread token end of file reread token end of file reread token end of file token word foo= pipeline: entered reread token word foo= reread token word foo= reread token word foo= reread token word foo= reread token word foo= token newline reread token newline reread token newline reread token newline evaltree(0x800d4b6a8: 1) called evalcommand(0x800d4b6a8, 0) called evalcommand(0x800d4b668, 4) called evalcommand arg: echo evalcommand arg: hallo builtin command: "echo" "hallo" evalbackcmd done: fd=-1 buf=0x800c570c0 nleft=6 jp=0x0 expbackq: size=5: "hallo" builtin command: showjobs(1) called dowait(0) called wait returns 0, status=-256 token word jobs pipeline: entered reread token word jobs reread token word jobs reread token word jobs reread token word jobs reread token word jobs token newline reread token newline reread token newline reread token newline evaltree(0x800d4b630: 1) called evalcommand(0x800d4b630, 0) called evalcommand arg: jobs builtin command: "jobs" showjobs(0) called dowait(0) called wait returns 0, status=-256 showjobs(1) called dowait(0) called wait returns 0, status=-256 token word fg pipeline: entered reread token word fg reread token word fg reread token word fg reread token word fg reread token word fg token newline reread token newline reread token newline reread token newline evaltree(0x800d4b630: 1) called evalcommand(0x800d4b630, 0) called evalcommand arg: fg builtin command: "fg" waitforjob(%1) called dowait(1) called wait returns 16632, status=0 Changing status of proc 16632 from 0xffffffff to 0x0 Job 1: changing state from 0 to 2 showjobs(1) called dowait(0) called wait returns -1, status=0 token word exit pipeline: entered reread token word exit reread token word exit reread token word exit reread token word exit reread token word exit token newline reread token newline reread token newline reread token newline evaltree(0x800d4b630: 1) called evalcommand(0x800d4b630, 0) called evalcommand arg: exit builtin command: "exit" exitshell(0) pid=16619
Description: Binary data
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