Hi guys,

We have a committer, a productive and promising kernel talent, who
is being hampered in his FreeBSD work by lack of hardware.

It would help him a lot if we could find him a laptop with enough
disk to hold a CVS tree and a few extra bits and pieces so he can
transport data to and from work that way and use it as cvs-server
for his computer at home.

Our friend lives in what used to be the Eastblock, so just buying
a laptop is not an option for him.

I was hoping that we have somebody out there who has a preowned
laptop he would be willing to donate and if possible cross the
"sender pays customs & dues" box on the address label, to save our
friend the $100-$300 customs import charge.

Ideally we are looking for a laptop with 3+ GB disk and an ethernet
card.  CPU, RAM, Display or even battery performance is not critical.
(But of course I'm sure that a really good modern laptop would be
put to good use, so you don't have to actually downgrade it to make
him happy :-)

I know this request is a bit untraditional for the FreeBSD project,
but I hate to see one of our more promising talents have to worry
about if he can avoid the Attic directories with cvsup rather than
work on the good stuff he has been doing for FreeBSD so far.

Understandably, he does not feel comfortable about asking for such
a favour in public, so I ask on his behalf:

If you have a suitable laptop you can part with for a good cause,
and you have access to a corporate DHL/FedEx/UPS account, please
help this guy out.

Drop me an email, and I'll put you in touch with each other.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD coreteam member | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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