Em 2010.07.13. 16:05, pluknet escreveu:
#ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_
struct setjlimit_args {
jid_t jid;
int resource;
struct rlimit *rlp;
setjlimit(td, uap)
struct thread *td;
struct setjlimit_args /* {
jid_t jid;
int resource;
struct rlimit *rlp;
} */ *uap;
printf("%s called\n", __FUNCTION__);
printf("resource: %d\n", uap->resource);
if (uap->resource>= JLIM_NLIMITS) {
td->td_retval[0] = -1;
return (EINVAL);
return (0);
Thanks for trying this out. I still couldn't find the problem. Is this
generate code? I mean the prototype of the function. I'm using C99
syntax and I manually added the implementation, the generated code what
I'm using is just what make sysent generated. Besides, the generated
code in sysproto.h is different from this struct that you have here,
there are padding members, as well:
+struct setjlimit_args {
+ char jid_l_[PADL_(__jid_t)]; __jid_t jid; char jid_r_[PADR_(__jid_t)];
+ char resource_l_[PADL_(int)]; int resource; char
+ char rlp_l_[PADL_(struct rlimit *)]; struct rlimit * rlp; char
rlp_r_[PADR_(struct rlimit *)];
And what do you have in syscalls.master? Is it the same as I have?
+527 AUE_NULL STD { int setjlimit(__jid_t jid, int resource, \
+ struct rlimit *rlp); }
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