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On 5/14/10 1:16 PM, none none wrote:
> I've read it, all.
> What he is proposing, is about building our own image flavor. 
> (make-memstick.sh)
> Exactly, that act, is an issue here, as it confuses sysinstall's USB 
> detection.

This part of what you say confuses me.  I use make-memstick.sh to build
the .img files people are downloading and using to do installs with.
So if you are using it correctly any machine that can use the .img
files I build and we distribute should be able to use what you

> There are 2 remedies:
>     1) After loader prompt, INSTEAD of starting sysinstall (as I don't
> need it at all), immediately START Fixit
>     2) Edit /usr/src/usr.sbin/sysinstall/devices.c, at the code lines,
> posted below and compile sysinstall, so it could recognize USB device,
> on non default USB img layout.
> I favor FIRST solution 1).

There are issues with us doing (1) in a widespread way because there
are hooks in sysinstall that check to see if it is running as init
and it makes lots of decisions based on that.  Booting off the install
media results in sysinstall running as init, while if you run it later
(post-install) it's not running as init.

That said, I'm still confused about what's causing you issues.  Using
text I cut out of this message just to shorten it a bit you said you
successfully mounted the memory stick so you could copy stuff out
of it, with the intention of modifying it for your purposes.  Lets
say you copied the contents to /foo, and you made your modifications
to it there.  After doing your modifications you should be able
to do:

        make-memstick.sh /foo foo.img

and the resulting foo.img file should be something you can use in
exactly the same way as the .img files I build and distribute.
You would need to dd the foo.img file onto a memstick using the
same instructions as I give for doing it with the distributed
files.  I'm not quite sure what could be going wrong if those
are the steps you're following.  The resulting image should
start up sysinstall for you, and you should be able to enter
into fixit mode from there.  Getting it to skip starting up
sysinstall and go straight to fixit mode for you is more
complicated, you would need to fiddle a lot more with the
pieces you copied out into /foo.

Apologies if I'm still not understanding what you're attempting
to do - if I'm still "not getting it" can you let us know what
piece of the steps above don't accomplish what you're trying
to do?  Again just to be clear - there should be no difference
in how you handle the .img file you create versus the one I
created.  And the directory /foo I mention above should not
be on the memory stick itself, it should be a normal directory
on a normal hard drive created by copying the contents of the
distributed memory stick image onto the hard drive.

- -- 
                                                Ken Smith
- - From there to here, from here to      |       kensm...@buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |
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