On Saturday, 21 August 1999 at 15:37:40 +0200, Assar Westerlund wrote:
> Zhihui Zhang <zzh...@cs.binghamton.edu> writes:
>> Thanks for your response.  I can not think of those points myself.
>> However, on page 7 of the book "Panic! Unix system crash dump analysis",
>> it says that a debugger named kadb in SunOS can load the real kernel
>> during boot and treat the latter like a great, big, user program, stepping
>> through its execution, examining and modifying values on the fly.
>> It seems to me that FreeBSD does not have such a debugger. Maybe ddb can
>> do so, but it works with assembly.
> kadb also works with assembly.  That being said, I much prefer ddb to
> kadb, and of course remote gdb is *much* nicer.

[catching up]

The nice thing about kadb is that it has a usable macro languge.

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