On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Nick Hibma wrote:

> How do I nuke vnodes? This is the NetBSD code that needs to be emulated:
>         /* locate the major number */
>         for (maj = 0; maj < nchrdev; maj++)
>                 if (cdevsw[maj].d_open == ulptopen)
>                         break;
>         /* Nuke the vnodes for any open instances (calls close). */
>         mn = self->dv_unit;
>         vdevgone(maj, mn, mn, VCHR);

Did you try taking a look at VOP_REVOKE()? It seems to be what you're
looking for.

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman           /  "Any sufficiently advanced bug is    \
 gr...@freebsd.org                   |   indistinguishable from a feature."  |
     FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!    \        -- Rich Kulawiec               /

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