On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 01:24:34PM -0700, Edward Elhauge wrote:
> OK, vinum is good. But my understanding is that you can't use vinum on
> your root partition. By Murphy's Law it always seems to be root that gets
> screwed up. And that also causes the biggest problems because then you
> have to yank the system apart and find another host disk for booting.

What about "duplicating and updating" /, /var and /usr onto a 2nd disk ?
This could be automatically done by a shellscript. You only need to 
fine tune /mirror/etc/fstab to boot from the correct disk after a
such a "backup/mirror" run ....

If you install the freebsd boot manager you can even easily test
booting from the 2nd drive without having to make special settings
in the forth boot loader.

You could manage this using three disks I think

        Disk:   da0             da1                     da2
root-fs |       s1a             s1a (backup)    |               |
------------------------------------------------+               |
swap    |       swap            swap            |               |
------------------------------------------------+ swap          |
var-fs  |       s1f             s1f (backup)    |               |
------------------------------------------------+               |
usr-fs  |       s1g             s1g (backup)    |               |
vinum RAID5 |                   /usr/local                      |
vinum RAID5 |                   /home                           |

I'm not sure, maybe its even possible to put /var onto a
Vinum Software RAID-5 ......

        Andreas ///

Andreas Klemm                                           Powered by FreeBSD SMP
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