"Rodney W. Grimes" wrote:
> > [moving to -hackers]
> [I'm going to loose the rest of this thread since I am not on hackers :-(]

        Shame on you. :)

> > "Rodney W. Grimes" <free...@gndrsh.dnsmgr.net> writes:

> Actually I would like _all_ the output from /etc/rc* to be avaliable
> after boot. 

        One of the things discussed on -hackers recently is my rc* (et al) 
effort. You can see the results at http://gorean.org/rcfiles/. If I can get
the current set of patches committed the next step in my proposal is to
change as many of the 'echo' statements as humanly possible to use 'logger'
instead. This is somewhat controversial because it will (for some items)
require moving 'logger' to /bin, but I think it's worth it. 

> This would be a big win for remote admining and trying
> to figure out what went wrong during the last boot without having to
> drive down and hook up a console of some form.  I know we could hang
> serial consoles on all of them, but why spend money on hardware when
> the problem can be solved with software :-).

        I agree, both that it would be a huge benefit for remote admins (I'm one
too) and that there are some problems that a serial console doesn't solve
where having a hard copy is your best bet (such as jr. asst. cow orker
rebooted a machine he should not have, and now it's borked and no one knows

> >  fsck_output="$(/sbin/fsck -p)"
> >  /sbin/mount -at nonfs
> >  echo "${fsck_output}" >/var/run/fsck.boot
> >
> > but then you wouldn't be able to see the output while it runs. The
> > only solution I can think of is the following:
> >
> >  fsck_output="$(/sbin/fsck -p | /bin/tee /dev/console)"
> >  /sbin/mount -at nonfs
> >  echo "${fsck_output}" >/var/run/fsck.boot
> >
> > but I don't expect people to be happy about moving tee(1) from
> > /usr/bin to /bin.

        Another possible solution to this would be giving fsck a flag to copy 
output to a file, STDOUT, or what have you. Since the rest of the cases
could be handled with 'logger' and/or redirction we wouldn't have to bring
'tee' into /bin. 


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