Dear gentleman,

i am a computer science student, and this semester i had to began my
project to get graduated. After looking for some interesting topics on
many sources, one rised up:
Privacity on Shared Environments.

My ideia is to add system facilities to improve privacity for users on
shared environment like, for instance, FreeBSD.

One clear example:
No user(but only that ones previous allowed to) should be able to see
other users process. This facility have to be done at kernel level,
(that's what i think).

There is many more thing like this, that could improve system privacity.
This would be my cents to FreeBSD Project.

So, what you think about this project? Is it cool enough to be done? Is
it waste of time? I would really like to have your feedback. Please,
report me something.

Again: i would really enjoy hearing from you wizards what you have to

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.
best regards.

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